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Blog 8

Adaptive technologies are any device or program used to assist students with learning disabilities. These technologies allow students to work at the same pace as everyone else, with a little extra help. For example, when I was in seventh grade, we were required to take a standardized test in my language arts class, which was on paper. One student had recently broke his arm and had it in a sling. Since he could not write, he was required to take the test using a keyboard. This not only allowed him to take the test like everyone else, he was allowed to take it at the same time in the same room, without making him feel excluded.

One challenge with adaptive technologies is the cost. Not all schools, especially those in lower-funded counties, can afford advanced technologies, so this could place a burden on these schools. Another challenge is implementation. When teachers become certified, they are not taught how to use every piece of technology, like adaptive technologies. So if a student has a problem with their device, a teacher may not be able to efficiently help them.

When I am a teacher, I will stay up-to-date with technology trends using It has various links to technologies that are helpful in the classroom and what needs they address. It also allows teachers to collaborate, sharing their experiences with certain technologies.
