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Blog 9

Essentially, The Flipped Classroom is where students do the lecture at home by watching videos, reading a textbook, etc., and the activities in class, which is the opposite of a traditional classroom. It allows students to have access to the course material outside of school and to come to class prepared with questions. Here is a great video on the Flipped Classroom:, where the narrator describes why and how to flip a classroom, what it looks like, and some extra tips.

The podcast discussed "all things open," which included open education, open content, and open source. When I searched these terms online, I found that open education is defined as free and easily accessible education, with free textbooks and other quality materials ( This website also gave thorough reasons as to why we should have open education. Open content goes hand in hand with open education. Open content is free educational tools, easily accessible on the Internet. Lastly, open source is defined as software with an available download code, so that it is able to be redistributed and edited.

It was very interesting working on these two PowerPoint assignments. I have learned so much, like how you can add forward/back/home buttons to each slide. Also, I never knew about recording a slideshow and having narrations. These were very fun assignments and although they took a while to do, I thoroughly enjoyed them.

Assignment 6

Assignment 5
