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Web Evaluation- Fifth Grade Science

For this web evaluation assignment, I chose fifth grade science as my subject.

Article 1:

The first link/article was titled "Weather and Climate: the Short and the Long of It." I found this to be a very reliable, trustworthy source. In regards to CRAAP, this website was last edited in 2008, but it was written on a scientific subject that has not changed at all. It was very neat and organized, with error-free, easy language. There were working reference links (one link, however, did not work) and a link to the homepage. In regards to authority, the article was written by Andy Monaghan, whose credentials were listed on a separate link on the site, and published by the Ohio State University on a restricted domain (.edu). The facts were all detailed and accurate, with no bias nor advertisements. Its purpose was to educate elementary school students on weather and climate.

Article 2:

The second article was titled "4th/5th Grade Science Activity: Igneous Rocks." The last edit of this page was in 2014, but, as with the other article, it is on a science topic, which has not changed for many years. This site was very organized and neat, with an interactive video diagram. The language was simple, with separate links to define any unknown terms. This page, however, was on an unrestricted domain (.com), and the author not listed. Nonetheless, the information on the page was accurate with no bias and its purpose is to help students easily understand the formation of igneous rock.
