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Blog 3

I have always been comfortable with finding appropriate videos and audio on YouTube and other sites. I feel as though I will be most prepared to teach my students ELA Standard RL.7 ("Multimedia": Literature). In my language arts classes, we always analyzed videos and compared them to the text, which is essentially what this standard covers. I am not very good at creating, so I will likely have some issues with standard W/WHST.6 ("Use Technology"), which is all about publishing, collaborating, etc. I will need to become more comfortable with that so I can be a more efficient teacher.

I really enjoyed our newsletter assignment. It was a great way for me to get more familiar with all the different features of Word and get creative. When I was designing mine, I had no idea what WordArt was (I had to Google it). Overall though, it was a pretty easy assignment and everything was pretty straight-forward. If I were to do this assignment again, I would be more familiar with where the different tools are, so I would be much more efficient. In my future classroom, Word will (most likely) be as prominent as it is now, so I will be able to create newsletters, worksheets, and other papers for my students.

Here was my assignment:
