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In my high school, we were all given personal laptops, and most of our work was done on them. I have written one too many documents using Word, created countless PowerPoints, and mastered Google Docs. However, I am not very familiar with Excel and other Microsoft Office programs. I would say that I am very comfortable with social media; I have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and occasionally Snapchat.

In this class, I hope to further my understanding of educational technology and how certain programs can be implemented into the classroom. I wish to master the unfamiliar programs, like Excel, and become more handy on a computer. I rated myself a 6/10 when it came to my abilities with technology, and I hope to increase my rating this semester.

When I took the questionnaire, my results were as follows: Active (3), Sensing (3), Visual (3), and Sequential (3). Essentially, I was pretty well balanced, with only a slight preference. Because I am an active learner, I prefer hands on, group activities. I like trying things out without thinking it through. As a sensing learner, I like learning the hard facts with straight-forward procedures. I am very good at memorizing facts and being practical. As a visual learner, I learn better by seeing things, like diagrams and charts. I am not very good at following verbal directions; honestly, I am a total airhead and get confused easily. As a sequential learner, I have to follow directions, step by step. I cannot skip ahead and it takes me a while to see the "big picture." I like doing things in order, otherwise I (the airhead) will get confused.
