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Showing posts from March, 2018

ILP #2

For ILP #2, I decided to create a Prezi presentation. I used third grade vocabulary words and gave the word, definition, part of speech, and a sentence. Here's a link to my presentation:

Blog 8

Adaptive technologies are any device or program used to assist students with learning disabilities. These technologies allow students to work at the same pace as everyone else, with a little extra help. For example, when I was in seventh grade, we were required to take a standardized test in my language arts class, which was on paper. One student had recently broke his arm and had it in a sling. Since he could not write, he was required to take the test using a keyboard. This not only allowed him to take the test like everyone else, he was allowed to take it at the same time in the same room, without making him feel excluded. One challenge with adaptive technologies is the cost. Not all schools, especially those in lower-funded counties, can afford advanced technologies, so this could place a burden on these schools. Another challenge is implementation. When teachers become certified, they are not taught how to use every piece of technology, like adaptive technologies. So if a stud

Blog 7

So far, my experience with Twitter has been quite positive. It's been really cool to see what my classmates post, like interesting articles, quotes, and pictures. I have had no issues so far with my account. Twitter is a very easy, positive environment to connect with your peers, professors, and professionals. I definitely will use it as a teacher. The Web Page Design assignment was a very fun way to get imaginative with my "classroom." I learned how websites are formatted and what fundamentals go into creating one. However, one thing that I didn't like about this assignment was how tedious everything was. If you wanted to add a text box, you had to go to the side column, click and drag the text box icon to wherever you wanted the box, and THEN you could type. It took me a good hour to format my website. Despite that, I was very happy with the turnout. Having a website is very beneficial to teachers by allowing them to keep parents up to date with assignments, supp