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Showing posts from January, 2018

Blog 2

Microsoft Word is a program that you can never escape. I have used Word for countless assignments throughout high school and college, especially in my English classes, where we write essays almost every week. My teachers have used it for creating worksheets or quizzes/tests. Honestly, I have not had much experience with copyright and fair use; no one had ever explained it to me. Of course, they explained, "If you pull something from the internet, make sure you cite it!" but I never knew why. Now that I know there are specific laws and guidelines concerning copyright and fair use, I will be sure to explain them to my students and implement them in a safe, legal way. Honestly, instead of dealing with the hassle, I would like to make all my own assignments, occasionally showing videos to the class (which is legal). Three implementation issues addressed in Chapter 9 that mean a lot to me are as follows: 1. Cyberbullying- Cyberbullying is not treated as that big of a d

Blog 1

Technology in the classroom is becoming more prevalent every day. Teachers are influenced by programs that allow students to work at their own pace, retake assignments as many times as they like, and grade work quickly and effortlessly. Not only does it make the teachers' jobs easier by eliminating printing, copying, and hand-grading, it helps students by allowing them to take their time with assignments and repeat a concept until it finally "clicks." The ISTE standards call for students to use technology to their advantage by creating helpful resources, using the Internet to assist with classwork and broaden their perspectives. They also seek to outline the morality of technology, emphasizing the importance of ethics and communication. My favorite standard from the ISTE standards for students is the "Digital Citizen" standard. In this, "students recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interco

Blog 0

In my high school, we were all given personal laptops, and most of our work was done on them. I have written one too many documents using Word, created countless PowerPoints, and mastered Google Docs. However, I am not very familiar with Excel and other Microsoft Office programs. I would say that I am very comfortable with social media; I have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and occasionally Snapchat. In this class, I hope to further my understanding of educational technology and how certain programs can be implemented into the classroom. I wish to master the unfamiliar programs, like Excel, and become more handy on a computer. I rated myself a 6/10 when it came to my abilities with technology, and I hope to increase my rating this semester. When I took the questionnaire, my results were as follows: Active (3), Sensing (3), Visual (3), and Sequential (3). Essentially, I was pretty well balanced, with only a slight preference. Because I am an active learner, I prefer hands on, group a